« October 2007 | Main | January 2008 »

November 26, 2007


We spent Thanksgiving with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Sean in Arizona this year. Nadia got to meet her nephew for the for the first time.

Dresden adored her! He was cooing a little bit before we left but he talked a lot whenever she would talk to him.

Nadia and her first nephew!


Grandma didn't want to let him go the whole time we were there, I think she was missing him.

Halmoni and grandson

He wore my favorite bib while he was there.

Best bib ever

Sean and Dresden, Thanksgiving 07

He didn't sleep a whole lot on the trip but I did snap a few of him sleeping.


Taking a catnap on thanksgiving

Another thing that Dresden starting doing on the trip is trying to stand up when we hold him. His little legs are strong for his age, he's not even 2 months old yet and he can push himself up on his legs. When we got back from the trip he held his own bottle for the first time.

Holding his own bottle

« October 2007 | Main | January 2008 »

November 25, 2007


Dresden has become more alert to his surroundings and he's starting to coo. He picks his head up a lot now, his neck is getting pretty strong.

He's finally putting on more weight so he's starting to chunk up a little bit!

happy in black!



« October 2007 | Main | January 2008 »

November 02, 2007


We had a couple different outfits that we bought for Dresden for Halloween but only one fit him, the rest were still too big.


This is Jolene's favorite picture of him so far:

Handsome devil indeed!

It's been an interesting month. Yesterday was the end of his first month with us and we feel like he's changed so much in just a short amount of time. He's still keeping us up at night but things are a lot better than they were the first two weeks. We took him to his one month appointment yesterday and the pediatrician says he's doing a good job gaining weight. He's still on the small side, 20th percentile for weight but as long as he continues his current progress I'll be happy.

Drummer in training?

More photos here.