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Christmas in Alabama
We went to visit family in Alabama this year for Christmas. Jolene went a couple of weeks before I did so people could spend more time with the baby.
Dresden got a kick out of watching his cousins run around. Whenever he'd see them he'd squeal and try to talk to them in baby-talk. He also started holding his head up on his own while he was out there and now prefers to sit up when held instead of laying down. His little legs are getting stronger too, he can stand up if someone balances him and he likes to bounce around to music. He's gotten a little longer a lot heavier, we had him weighed at the beginning of December and he was about 12 1/2 pounds, he's probably at least 13 by now.
Here he is with his cousin, Sossy
He's figured out how to suck his thumb. Is the end of his pacifiers near?