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Looking cute
Well, we haven't updated in a month so we have a lot of photos stocked up. Dresden seems to be getting bigger by the day, he's rolling around on the floor a lot now so we think he might start crawling soon.
We've got to spend some time with our Korean side of the family since moving here, Dresden got to meet his cousin Faith who's two months younger than him.
His Aunt Nadia and my grandma came to visit us a couple weeks after we moved to New York. Dresden adored all the attention he was getting! He they are with him in Kissena Park.
It's still a little chilly out so we have to bundle Dresden up when we take our dog for walks.
Over Easter weekend we went to visit my Dresden's great-grandparents graves in upstate New York. Dresden got dressed up for the occasion in a little button up shirt and sweater.
Speaking of Auntie's, Aunt Saba bought him this Spongebob pillow which he likes chewing on.
Papa Earl bought him these slippers, he likes them since they have eyes on them.
A possible DJ in the making?