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Table for one

sitting down to eat

In March Dresden started eating food. We started him out with oatmeal and recently we've started to introduce vegetables. We purchased some mashed up organic veggies for him to try. The first one we tried was carrots. The first few feedings he got more on his face than down his stomach but he seemed to enjoy it.

eating carrots

The next week we tried peas. These he did not like. He kept making a "blaaa" sound and would push it out. We kept trying but he wouldn't eat them.

We'd have to try peas again later. He really liked the sweet potatoes we gave him. So far everything orange he likes.



Just this past week we started giving him teething biscuits. We let him try and feed himself these so he'd learn. At first he just played with it but eventually he puts everything into his mouth and he found it to taste good.


The biscuit kind of melts and turns to mush. We found that he gets it all over himself and his clothes when he eats them. It's quite messy.


teething biscuit