
October 13, 2009

First chopsticks

We picked up a set of training chopsticks at our local Korean market. After showing Dresden how to use them he did a pretty good job at picking up some pieces of fruit with them. He may be better at using these than a fork!


Dresden's second birthday

Sorry for the long absence. Live has been hectic!

Here are some photos from Dresden's second birthday. We can't believe he's already two years old!

Dresden's birthday

Dresden's second birthday

Dresden's second birthday

Dresden's second birthday

September 01, 2008

August 2008

We took Dresden to the Renaissance festival here in NY. Jolene found a cute little "monkey pirate" outfit for him to wear.

Yarr! A wee pirate at the NY renaissance festival.


Dresden and his doggie!

They have the same eyes. Dresden and Mommy at the Jackson Hole Diner in Bayside, Queens.


Grandpa Skip and Uncle Charle came out to visit us for a week in August. We hung out and did some sight seeing. Dresden loved seeing them and enjoyed all the attention.

Grandpa Skip, Dresden, Daddy and Uncle Charlie at the Statue of Liberty.

Grandpa Skip and Dresden

July 2008

Dresden is eating more and more solid foods now and less bottles. He's also exploring more and getting into things. Mommy and Daddy have to keep on eye on him so he doesn't get into trouble. He also knows how to cheese for the camera now, whenever we bring it out he hams it up by smiling and squinting.





June 2008

In June we attended a friend's wedding and Dresden got all dressed up in his first suit. We also went to the beach in NY for the first time! Dresden had fun most of the time, except for the one time he face-planted in the sand.

He started crawling at the end of May but he really got it down in June. He also started pulling himself up when holding onto furniture.




Beach photos!



May photos

We've been behind with updating the photos, even though we've been taking plenty! Here are some more photos from May of little Dresden.


may 2008


Riding the train back to Queens after hanging out with Mom and Dad in Manhattan.


May 19, 2008

Swing time!

This past weekend we went to Kissena Park and Dresden got on a playground swing for the first time. They have these little ones especially for smaller children that are a little more secure that the regular swings. He was all smiles and giggles.

On the swing 1

On the swing 2

May 13, 2008

Back in Colorado!

We went back to Colorado for a few days to see our friend Marcus graduate from CU. While we were there we got to check in on our house (it's still in one piece!) and visit our good friends. Dresden was ecstatic, not only did he have all of mom and dad's friends doting over him but he had other kids near his age to play with. He rarely gets to interact with other kids out in New York so this was a real treat for him.

He especially likes playing with his friend Quinn.
Dresden and Quinn

Dresden and Quinn 2

We caught Dresden drinking his sippy cup out of the side of his mouth, just like dad does.

side sippin

May 12, 2008

Botanical Gardens

We went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for the annual Cherry Blossom Festival (Sakuri Matsuri) that they host there. My cousin Kenny and his girlfriend Sandra joined us for the day.


Dresden got a kick out of all the colors. He kept trying to grab the blossoms whenever I'd hold him on my shoulders. I think he also enjoyed watching all the people he saw there. He's still not used to seeing large crowds of people so it's an entertaining experience for him.

The festival was a fun time but the food there wasn't that great, mostly cold bento boxes. Kenny tells me that the food at the Korean festivals are usually better.







Sushi pillow!

Sushi pillow

May 11, 2008

Pearly whites and angry monkeys

Dresden's first teeth are coming in! He's been cranky the past few weeks with teething pain. He has one tooth that has broken through and another is showing now. He's eating solid food several times a day now. He's not crawling yet but he's gotten really good at rolling around so we think he'll start anytime now.

rolling around on the floor

A few weekends ago we went to the Bronx Zoo. He didn't really seem to notice the tigers but he liked watching the ducks that were walking around. He was also really interested in the monkeys.

Ducks at the Zoo

Mom and baby at the monkey house

Dresden threw his first temper tantrums this week. When he does get his way with his toys or if we're not feeding him fast enough he'll get angry and have a burst of crying and kicking. It's pretty funny. His hair is thickening back up. He had rubbed a lot of it off since birth but now it's all come back.


He's getting curious about everything, if you have a laptop or phone in your hands he wants to grab it. Give him a laptop and he'll pretend like he's typing.


He's also starting to like any toys that have buttons or keys



In addition to his solid food we're starting to introduce him to watered down juice, which he loves. He also tries to drink from our cups whenever he's sitting with us.


April 08, 2008

Table for one

sitting down to eat

In March Dresden started eating food. We started him out with oatmeal and recently we've started to introduce vegetables. We purchased some mashed up organic veggies for him to try. The first one we tried was carrots. The first few feedings he got more on his face than down his stomach but he seemed to enjoy it.

eating carrots

The next week we tried peas. These he did not like. He kept making a "blaaa" sound and would push it out. We kept trying but he wouldn't eat them.

We'd have to try peas again later. He really liked the sweet potatoes we gave him. So far everything orange he likes.



Just this past week we started giving him teething biscuits. We let him try and feed himself these so he'd learn. At first he just played with it but eventually he puts everything into his mouth and he found it to taste good.


The biscuit kind of melts and turns to mush. We found that he gets it all over himself and his clothes when he eats them. It's quite messy.


teething biscuit

April 07, 2008

Looking cute

Well, we haven't updated in a month so we have a lot of photos stocked up. Dresden seems to be getting bigger by the day, he's rolling around on the floor a lot now so we think he might start crawling soon.

We've got to spend some time with our Korean side of the family since moving here, Dresden got to meet his cousin Faith who's two months younger than him.

Faith and Dresden

His Aunt Nadia and my grandma came to visit us a couple weeks after we moved to New York. Dresden adored all the attention he was getting! He they are with him in Kissena Park.

Nadia, Halmoni and Dresden

It's still a little chilly out so we have to bundle Dresden up when we take our dog for walks.

snow suit

Over Easter weekend we went to visit my Dresden's great-grandparents graves in upstate New York. Dresden got dressed up for the occasion in a little button up shirt and sweater.

all dressed up

Speaking of Auntie's, Aunt Saba bought him this Spongebob pillow which he likes chewing on.

Papa Earl bought him these slippers, he likes them since they have eyes on them.

cookie monster

A possible DJ in the making?


February 14, 2008

Green bay

Tonight we put on Dresden's green bay outfit that Grandpa Sean bought him. Too cute! Football season is over but he's having fun lounging in it.

Green bay babyoutfit 9

Green bay babyoutfit 11

Green bay babyoutfit 5

Green bay babyoutfit 13

See more here

February 08, 2008

January photos!

January was a pretty good month. We noticed Dresden's legs have been getting stronger so we decided to get him a bouncy chair. The recommended age to start was 4-6 months but his neck has been super strong so we figured it was okay. For the first couple weeks we had to put a blanket under his feet because he was too short to reach the ground in his chair.

Dresden gets a bouncy chair 2

Dresden gets a bouncy chair 1

Dresden gets a bouncy chair 3

Now he loves to bounce in it all day long.

He's starting to enjoy bathtime more. He's been becoming more and more interested in his toys and now when he takes a bath he likes to kick his feet and splash water.


Mom drying off baby after bath

We've also discovered that he's ticklish now, we can tickle his feet or on his sides and he laughs.

Daddy and Dresden in the chair

Our friends have been coming over to visit us since we haven't gotten out much since the birth. Here's our friend Eddie with Dres

Uncle Eddie and Dres

Auntie Jolie bringing over some toys for Dresden. He loves playing with that monkey now.

Auntie Jolie and Dresden

Asleep in the bouncy chair.

asleep in the bouncy

We've been trying to do more tummy time with him. So far he's turned over once from his stomach to his back, hopefully he'll be doing it regularly soon and then maybe crawling! It's hard to believe it's already been four months.

February 06, 2008

Baby standoff

Dresden and his buddy Franklin chat it up.


"Come on Dad, go faster!"


January 06, 2008

Christmas in Alabama

We went to visit family in Alabama this year for Christmas. Jolene went a couple of weeks before I did so people could spend more time with the baby.

Mommy and Dresden

Dresden got a kick out of watching his cousins run around. Whenever he'd see them he'd squeal and try to talk to them in baby-talk. He also started holding his head up on his own while he was out there and now prefers to sit up when held instead of laying down. His little legs are getting stronger too, he can stand up if someone balances him and he likes to bounce around to music. He's gotten a little longer a lot heavier, we had him weighed at the beginning of December and he was about 12 1/2 pounds, he's probably at least 13 by now.

Here he is with his cousin, Sossy
Sossy and Dresden

His Auntie Saba
Auntie Saba and her nephew

Nana Berhana
Nana Berhana and baby

Opening presents!
Auntie Saba and Dresden

Waking up from a nap
waking up from nap

He's figured out how to suck his thumb. Is the end of his pacifiers near?
He found his thumb!

"Dad, you have to do it like this.."
Dresden giving dad some tips

Santa's Helper

We got some professional photos taken of Dresden for his first Christmas. We had a hard time getting him to smile, mostly he just pouted and got angry when the flash went off.

Here are a few.

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

November 26, 2007


We spent Thanksgiving with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Sean in Arizona this year. Nadia got to meet her nephew for the for the first time.

Dresden adored her! He was cooing a little bit before we left but he talked a lot whenever she would talk to him.

Nadia and her first nephew!


Grandma didn't want to let him go the whole time we were there, I think she was missing him.

Halmoni and grandson

He wore my favorite bib while he was there.

Best bib ever

Sean and Dresden, Thanksgiving 07

He didn't sleep a whole lot on the trip but I did snap a few of him sleeping.


Taking a catnap on thanksgiving

Another thing that Dresden starting doing on the trip is trying to stand up when we hold him. His little legs are strong for his age, he's not even 2 months old yet and he can push himself up on his legs. When we got back from the trip he held his own bottle for the first time.

Holding his own bottle

November 25, 2007


Dresden has become more alert to his surroundings and he's starting to coo. He picks his head up a lot now, his neck is getting pretty strong.

He's finally putting on more weight so he's starting to chunk up a little bit!

happy in black!



November 02, 2007


We had a couple different outfits that we bought for Dresden for Halloween but only one fit him, the rest were still too big.


This is Jolene's favorite picture of him so far:

Handsome devil indeed!

It's been an interesting month. Yesterday was the end of his first month with us and we feel like he's changed so much in just a short amount of time. He's still keeping us up at night but things are a lot better than they were the first two weeks. We took him to his one month appointment yesterday and the pediatrician says he's doing a good job gaining weight. He's still on the small side, 20th percentile for weight but as long as he continues his current progress I'll be happy.

Drummer in training?

More photos here.

October 10, 2007

Baby 1, Dad 0

I've tried to avoid it. There have been some close calls. But today it happened. Pee in the face. I was changing Dresden's diaper before a feeding and was almost finished and about to put on his new one when I get hit in the face by baby pee. For some reason I've become target practice for my son, he tries to pee on my whenever I change his diaper but this time he caught me off guard.

Kind of gross but also really funny.

October 08, 2007


We can't give him a full submerged bath until his umbilical cord stump falls off but we gave little D. his first sponge bath at home on Saturday.

Click to see more from this set.

He doesn't really like being naked, whenever I change his diapers he cries when I take his clothes off him.

October 07, 2007

First week home

It's been a long and interesting week. Dresden kept us up late most nights and we didn't quite know what we were doing most of the time but we're slowly learning as we go.

Click to see more from this set.

The first night home was rough, Dresden wasn't latching very well. We're still figuring out which hold work best to feed him with. After about five days of not sleeping more than two hours consecutively we found out that you didn't need to wake him every two hours during the night to feed him. Now we just give him a good feeding right around midnight and then let him wake us if he wants to eat before 5am. This has helped immensely with the sleeping the past couple days.

Click to see more from this set.

October 06, 2007

More hospital photos

Here are some more photos from the hospital before and after Dresden's birth.

Click to see more from this set.

October 04, 2007

Hospital Photo

We're home!

The hospital took a picture of Dresden on our last day there:

I have photos from the birth that I will post later.